Tuesday, 10 May 2011

I like seahorses.

I really like seahorses. I mean really like them. I only realised today. How does something like that even exist? It looks fake. What if it was all a conspiracy, and all the beautiful things in the world didn't actually exist? What if they were all hallucinations or holograms to keep the human race happy? Just saying.

On a different note, I gave my disseration in recently- I felt like a new woman. Refreshed, you might say. So I gave myself the entire weekend off, and basically sat in my pants watching Angel. Then I realised I actually still have work to do (just spent about an hour sending abusive facebook groups to my housemate...)
It's exciting to think in less than a month, my University career will be over. What will I do with my life? I'll have nothing that I have to read, and nothing that I have to write. It's gonna be bliss... Or incredibly boring. Might have to set myself little essays.

Some woman was just incredibly rude to me on the phone. I was only asking about Sheffield Park and Ride. She starts yapping away "I'm not a driver love, so I can't help you. I need to know what road you're coming in on.. I'm just not a driver.." ERRR no you don't. I was simply asking which of the Park and Rides in the Sheffield area were 24 hour. Fuck her. I'm getting the train now.

Still haven't started doing any work yet. My bad. I'll do some now.