Monday, 6 June 2011

So much hate.

Recently, I started making a list of all the things that really annoyed me. I added to this list each time something actually made my blood boil, or bring out the angry bitch inside me. I feel comfortable saying that I do in fact hate the following things...

Answering machines: Everytime I am forced to leave a message on someone's answering machine, it ends in utter disaster. A couple of weeks ago, I had to leave a message on a potential employer's machine. Brilliant. The stupid thing cut me off half way through. "Hi I'm Belinda, I'm ringing about the job in the Shepshed Echo, could you get back to me on 07922......" I haven't heard back from them.

Stupid people: An elderly lady drives up in her mobility scooter to a supermarket kiosk. She cannot reach the desk to place her items. The woman behind the kiosk just watches on chewing her bubble gum, hoping that the problem will go away. I literally had to step forwards, place the elderly lady's items onto the kiosk, wait for the dumb bitch to scan them, and then pack them away. Why is it so difficult to do your job?

Running: It's not the action of running, it's the awkward moment between walking and running. "Do I carry on walking, or do I actually start running, oh now I'm just shuffling quickly.. now I'm running. It's not urgent anymore, I'll walk again, how do I slow down?"

Periods: Anyone who knows me knows I have a massive issue with these pesky things. I just find it unfair that women have to suffer excrutiating pain every month. I won't go into too much detail, but let's just say when I get cramps, I actually think I'm dying. I prepare for the end.

Facebook relationship status: Why do people have to know who I'm dating? Or when my relationship crumples, and I'm left single and heartbroken? One thing that really bugs me about these, is that whoever changes theirs first after the relationship has ended gets the better deal. The other person is left with 'in a relationship' until they can get onto Facebook to change it. Oh what, you got dummmppppppped.

Upturned plugs: They're out to get me, I know it. It'll be sitting on the side just chilling and as soon as I walk past it drops to the floor, turns upside down and lures my bare foot towards it. The worst is when one of the spikes ends up between my toes. It's not acceptable and it makes me cry every time.

I think I've given perfectly reasonable explanations for the hatred inside me.


Blogger Amelie said...

Do you need holding?

6 June 2011 at 07:32  

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