I've given birth to a blog.
This all reminds me of those posts you used to be able to do on Myspace, although I never did them. In fact, I'm still uncertain to why I've made this. All I know is, Amy Rooke, I hate you for giving me another reason to not do my work.
Today, I've spent about 5 hours attempting to do uni work.. but so far I've read two magazines, sang to Mariah Carey, tried to blow raspberries (which I now cannot do due to a tongue piercing) and eaten crisps. So I'd say it's been a productive day really. Is it bad that I'm excited to watch Neighbours? My life is a shambles.
That's all I have to say today, those Australian hotties are waiting for me..
Today, I've spent about 5 hours attempting to do uni work.. but so far I've read two magazines, sang to Mariah Carey, tried to blow raspberries (which I now cannot do due to a tongue piercing) and eaten crisps. So I'd say it's been a productive day really. Is it bad that I'm excited to watch Neighbours? My life is a shambles.
That's all I have to say today, those Australian hotties are waiting for me..